Exploring the role of financial constraints in limiting access to distance learning opportunities in Nigerian higher education



  • Ngowari Uchechi Kamalu Grine American University, Cyprus.

The study examined the financial constraints limiting access to distance learning programs in Nigerian higher education institutions. A descriptive survey research design was adopted, and three research questions guided the study. The population comprised all undergraduate students in the 37 tertiary institutions with Distance Learning Programs in Nigeria. A sample of 400 respondents was selected using snowball sampling. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire titled “Financial Constraints in Limiting Access to Distance Learning Opportunities Questionnaire,” developed by the researcher and validated by experts. The reliability of the instrument was confirmed with a Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.79. Data analysis was conducted using mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that financial constraints, including tuition fees and associated costs, significantly impact student access, enrollment, and completion in distance education. It was recommended that scholarships, technology grants, flexible payment plans, and low-interest loans be provided to improve access and retention in distance learning programs.


How to Cite

Kamalu, N. U. . (2025). Exploring the role of financial constraints in limiting access to distance learning opportunities in Nigerian higher education. Journal of Contemporary Research in Social Sciences, 7(1), 10–16. https://doi.org/10.55214/26410249.v7i1.5451


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